Monday, March 26, 2012

Jim Lee.

Jim Lee is American Korean comic book artist, and he is best known for Batman and X-Men. Lee uses F led, and is known for inking his own art.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Creation of Adam

The Creation of Adam is a section of Michelangelo's fresco Sistine Chapel ceiling painted circa 151. I love the accuracy of the anatomy for the time. It's perfect even without modern technology.  There are some theories that in the picture, "God" represents the brain. Also: Some of the lines in the neck of God aren't accurate to anatomy, and the lines might represent a brain stem. Michelangelo would have not have made this anatomical mistake, so maybe there is some meaning to to the "God is mind" theory.

Thursday, March 1, 2012


Okami concept art. The game is Japanese influenced, and has a ink based style. The game is by Clover studios, and it was released in 2006. I like the colorful and vibrant world it displays, and I think it shows video games can be art.

Okami concept art

In game screen
In game screen